Pastor Ruben Mora
Ruben J. Mora has been pastoring Azusa Nazarene for over 20 years serving as co-pastor, leading the Spanish congregation (2003), and later becoming the lead pastor when the Spanish and English congregations merged (2008). Pastor Ruben’s journey began at the age of 15, as he responded to an altar call in a small Pentecostal church one Sunday morning service. Not long after, Pastor Ruben met Martha Mora and they have been married for over 30 years. Martha or “Hermana Martha”, as we affectionately call her, has been a huge blessing to Azusa Nazarene. Martha has served in children and women’s ministries and shares the gospel with people wherever she goes. Martha has welcomed countless people into her home and ALWAYS offers whatever may be cooking on the stove or a piece of bread from her table. Azusa Nazarene is truly blessed to have Pastor Ruben and Martha Mora serving in our church.